The mission of Operation Peace Inc is to save our youth and take back our communities through programs geared toward development of our youth.
WORK IN UNITY primarily with Black men and women who are former street organization members, community activitists, clergy, educators, legal and healthcare professionals, and entrepreneurs throughout every possible community in the City of Chicago and beyond, to work for peace and to significantly reduce violence.
BUILD UNITY among Black men to heal the past grievances we had against each other because of our violent life styles, often imposed on us in environments of poverty, miseducation, drug addiction, low self-esteem, negative attitudes and dysfunctional families.
HEAL our broken lives, broken homes, broken families, broken communities, and broken promises by agreeing to hold each other accountable, not to perpetuate the crimes, slander, and distrust that lead us down the road of the vicious cycle of revenge.
ERADICATE THE USE OF GUNS and other weapons as the way to address problems in our community.
TRAIN OUR YOUTH and ourselves about how to appropriately resolve conflicts and further, how to make peace profitable.
MEDIATE MINOR CONFLICTS to prevent them from being mayor, block-by-block, and community-by-community.
HELP victims of violence, and mourn the loss of loved ones with encouragement, financial support and protection.
SHOW ALTERNATIVES to violence, crime, and trouble to our youth.
HARNESS the business and financial resources of our communities to find gainful employment for young men and women in our communities, and for ourselves.
COOPERATE with other ethnic groups and police to eliminate the violence that is taking many lives, including innocent children, women and elders, done mainly through gun violence associated with the spread of drugs and guns in our community.
Contact Us
11302 S Michigan Ave Suite 100, Chicago, IL 60628